Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm off!

‘ello! Fantabulous news- I am off to Zambia for a 4 day safari. My staying in Malawi for more than 3 month necessitates a special visa that requires me to leave the country for a few days.  As such, the project is sending me on a safari.  I will be going with Courtney who is sadly leaving Malawi for good once we return.  We’re going to leave after work tomorrow and take the bus to Lilongwe (a 5hr experience which I’m sure will be an adventure in and of itself). Back on Sunday night in time for work on Monday.

And to console you in my absence...here is another installment of that beloved photo series: "Children Hate Me."

To refresh your memory, this series features photos of wee Malawians who are scared out of their mind by the pigment deficient weirdo with the camera. I would like to add a disclaimer, however, for those who don't know me/potential babysitting clients/pediatric residency program directors/the small children who frequent my blog: I have no reason to believe that children do, in fact, hate me. In fact, there is at least limited evidence to the contrary. The title and content of this series is meant purely in a lighthearted and intended to provoke a chuckle (whether reality matches intent is up to you, dear readers). Anywho, here goes:

He is not loving life at all. Sorry little man.  Again, mom is endlessly amused.

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